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Experience Drag & Drop Publishing on the Web

Our CMS software builds upon familiar, intuitive behaviors and applies them to your web publishing experience.

It's as simple as opening a new page and dragging from a variety of pre-designed templates to add images and content.

Save by clicking a button and watch your custom creation go live.

Make Changes in a Matter of Seconds

Our Content Management System, offers the fastest way to edit your restaurant website content. The easy-to-use edit-in-place tool allows you to edit, modify, organize or delete content from the website in a simple manner.


Our platform can be set up to allow authority for different users to access individual pages for content management, thereby spreading the workload and keeping the website current.


IVO Inc.
4906 Main St
Lisle, IL 60532
P: (630) 229-9299

Sister Projects, Different Names.

Fast Food Ordering System is branch of Mood To Eat Website customized for a single restaurant.

Mood To Eat is another affiliated project with the same back end engine for (B2B).

Sitemap | Fast Food Ordering | 2023 - All Rights Reserved - MP18 | www.ivoinc.com
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